Android Coroutine Guide: IntroductionThis is the first blog-post of the coroutine series. I know lots of coroutine guidelines, blog posts, and videos on the internet. This is…Jan 10, 20217222Jan 10, 20217222
SSL pinning in Android : Using public certificate and BKS fileTo prevent MITM(Man in the Middle) attack, we may apply SSL pinning to our apps. There are couple of methods to apply secure socket layer…Oct 18, 20185084Oct 18, 20185084
Published inAndroidPubPolishing UI: Android StateListAnimatorMost of the time, we don’t spend time to develop our Android app’s UI, we just drag and drop views and start writing our app. I have…Jan 31, 20183.3K3Jan 31, 20183.3K3
Published inAndroidPubMastering Shadows in AndroidIf we want to create better apps, I believe that we need to follow material design guideline.In general terms, Material design is a…Jan 9, 20185.2K10Jan 9, 20185.2K10
Güle güle 2017!Bu yılı bitirmek üzereyiz. Ve koca bir yıl ne yaptık? Hiç! Koca bir hiç! Şaka şaka. Tabi ki de böyle depresif laflara girmeyeceğim.😀 Yıl…Dec 23, 20172455Dec 23, 20172455
Published inAndroidPubNew Android Injector with Dagger 2 — part 3If you didn’t read part 1 and part 2, I suggest you to read them first. You can find links at the bottom.Dec 18, 20172.3K19Dec 18, 20172.3K19
Published inAndroid Libraries WeeklyWeek #18 ❤ Kotlin1 — Kotlin ExtensionsDec 11, 201743Dec 11, 201743
Log.v(“ThreeTips”, “#17”)Kotlin is new trend and I see everyone is switching to Kotlin language in Android Development. So In my next tips, I will use more Kotlin.Nov 29, 2017112Nov 29, 2017112